Ho-ho-ho there! December has arrived, and so has winter here in Latvia. We're pretty overwhelmed with the amount of snow at the moment, but it gives winter its perfect vibe. While we've already started to prepare for the festive season, here's a little recap of our latest publicity achievements.
November was a busy yet rewarding month for the Truesix team. For the 3rd year in a row, we worked on PR and comms for Europe's leading 5G ecosystem event, 5G Techritory. Therefore, last month was more or less all about 5G for us.
Carry on reading for Truesix's latest success stories!
5G Techritory 2021 – a record-breaking event
This year 5G Techritory Forum went bigger than ever before – 4 days of keynotes, panels, and side events, 2700+ participants, 250 speakers, several first-time elements, and more.
From the organizers' point of view, this year's 5G Techritory was a challenge to conquer. Due to the Covid-19 situation in Latvia in Autumn, it soon became apparent that we'll be hosting the Forum virtually. So, welcome, technical challenges and creative solutions! Despite it all, the 5G Techritory team did a fantastic job once again, and the Truesix team was thrilled to be a significant part of the success.
Our responsibilities included international PR and communications for the event, content creation before and during the event, crafting a media program, and other bits and things.
In November, Truesix managed to score more than 30 publications in media for 5G Techritory. Here are a few of them:
- Labs of Latvia: Startups are invited to explore international partnership opportunities at 5G Techritory Emporium
- Shephard Media: COW, FUDGE and VINNI tell a tale for Norwegian 5G research
- Smart Cities World: Baltic Sea digital twin to be developed by Latvia
- [in Polish] Bizblog.pl: Amerykanie chcą przemodelować 5G. Stracić mogą Nokia i Ericsson
If you're interested in 5G-related things, know that all sessions from 5G Techritory 2021 are available on live.5gtechritory.com until 31st of December, 2021. To access the content, register here.

Guess the client – drones, 5G defense innovations, and smart mobility
As you know, Truesix loves all-things-tech. And when we're the ones delivering news on technology innovations, we feel especially privileged. In November, one of our clients, Latvian mobile innovator LMT, made sure we had several news stories to distribute.
The mobile innovator is well-known for its drone projects, and last month LMT became Europe's first certified mobile operator to issue drone piloting licenses. While several organizations have received this mandate, LMT is the first licensing organization in Northern Europe.
We were happy to share the news with the media and see the story published in such outlets as:
- The Fast Mode
- sUAS News
- UAS Vision, and more
Another news story from LMT was related to 5G defense novelties – the mobile innovator showcased deployment of unmanned systems in the iMUGS Consortium demonstration. This news was spotted in Inside Unmanned Systems, Defense Advancement, Army Recognition, and elsewhere.

Additionally, this August, within the scope of the 5G-Routes project, LMT launched a 5G mobility testbed in Latvia. We gladly spread the news, and some media showed more extensive interest in LMT's relation to 5G mobility in general. It resulted in a featured article on Intertraffic World Magazine – Cross-border connectivity and 5G, written by Jack Roper.
Another publicity success was brought to LMT by our colleague Ieva, who wrote an excellent opinion piece for Hackernoon on runaway drones and the possible solutions. Ieva's article mentioned LMT and its live BVLOS demonstration at one of the previous 5G Techritory Forums. You can read the piece here.
More publicity achievements from the Truesix team
Besides 5G-related stories, the Truesix team scored some more amazing publicity bits and pieces last month. Here they are!
One of our latest new clients, Supliful, received a sweet share of media attention. The startup's co-founder Rihards Piks shared three valuable business lessons from his vast experience in the startup world, and the story got published in Hackernoon. Read it here.
Another publicity achievement, which shone some light on several of our clients, was Truesix Ieva's Lifehack publication – Entrepreneurial Burnout: 6 Ways to Avoid And Overcome It. Her article included experience and quotes from several business leaders, including co-founder of Supliful, TWINO's CEO, and Truesix's co-founder Julia.

One of our long-term clients, time tracking software DeskTime, also caught the media's eye in November. DeskTime's study results from 2015 on music and productivity were spotted in an article on Entrepreneur. In 2015, the study results were described and explained by our very own Truesix co-founder Krista. A bit of time traveling, but still a great success!
In October, the Truesix team managed PR and comms for a one-day conference, Great Taste – Zero Waste, aimed to promote sustainable food culture and provide solutions to minimize food waste. While we already saw some publicity wins, November brought another one – the event was included in an article on Speciality Food Magazine. You can read it here.

And last but not least – wanna know how to get mentioned in an article on Wall Street Journal? Well, I have NO clue, but it turns out that responding to a HARO request could be one way.
As funny as it may sound, my personal experience with using grayscale mode on my smartphone to fight a bizarre nighttime scrolling addiction landed a mention in an article on the WSJ. My two cents, of course, but still kind of cool!
Parting remarks
And that's that on Truesix's November. To be honest, it was a bit of a marathon as we had our hands fuller than some previous months. But teamwork always makes the dream work, and that's one of our fortes.
We wish you a great December – may your Christmas gift shopping be relaxed and mindful. See you in 2022!