As 2020 is slowly coming to an end, it's time to squeeze in some publicity recap from Truesix. It's November's turn to be reviewed and celebrated a bit (or a lot) because it sure was a month of loads of work but also – a month for quite a few thrilling publications. If I were asked to name a word or a phrase that defines November of 2020 for our team, I'd say without much thinking (surprise, surprise) – 5G.
In the previous recap post, I promised to tell you all about our grand affair of November, a.k.a. the 5G Techritory. Hence, that's what I'm about to do just now. So, shall we?
The grand finale of the 3rd annual Baltic Sea Region 5G ecosystem forum
When our team began working towards the 5G Techritory Forum of 2020 back in August, it felt like November was light years away. However, as it always happens, time passed by oh so quickly, and we woke up in the middle of November with a few days left until the Forum had to go phygitally live.
Even though we were deliberately working towards gaining the media attention to this year's 5G Techritory since the end of the summer, November undoubtedly was the spotlight month for our actions. The upcoming 5G Techritory was a buzzing topic both in the local 5G ecosystem and on a much larger scale. And to be honest, with such a variety of speakers and topics on the Forum's agenda, it wasn't too big of a surprise that the media really “spotted” the event.
During November, the 5G Techritory Forum was noted in over 50 international media publications. Here are a few of them:
- 4G 5G World “Who’s going to pay for 5G? How to optimize the cost among different players”
- “Over 150 Billion Euros on the Table as 5G Industry Leaders Congregate at 5G Techritory”
- “5G Techritory event starts today”
Speaking of the Forum itself – boy, what an experience!
When we arrived at the event's location, we were astonished by how meticulously everything was organized. Two beautifully designed stages, bazillion cameras to ensure HQ live-stream, and a powerful team of technicians and event organizers that took care of bringing the 3rd 5G Techritory to life.
Overall the Forum carried out 109 sessions with the participation of 202 world-class 5G industry speakers in total and received 2050+ unique visits to the event’s custom-built streaming platform.
Our job during the two days of 5G Techritory was to manage the event's social media channels, update them with the latest news of the Forum, and info on must-see discussions. We were also taking care of the event's “inside” platform that needed content management throughout the event and were in charge of communicating with the Forum's registered media.
To celebrate the end of this year's 5G Techritory, we corked open a nice bottle of champagne. And, no, it wasn’t just some random sparkling wine. We got our hands on the real deal, originating from the Champagne region of France. It tasted like victory.
The experience of doing marketing and PR activities for a virtual conference was entirely new for Truesix, and we learned a lot. That's why we’ve decided to dedicate a whole blog post to our adventure with managing communications for a virtual event – stay tuned!
Latvia becomes the first European country to have a 5G military test site

The second day of the 5G Techritory Forum witnessed a major event within an event – the Latvian National Armed Forces, in collaboration with mobile network innovator LMT (Latvian Mobile Telephone), launched the first 5G military test site in Europe.
LMT, which we are honored to have as one of our clients, provides the test site with a functioning 5G base station and 5G coverage, which allows testing and creating new generation mobile technologies. The launch emphasizes the ability of both the involved local companies and Latvia as a country to be an invaluable international partner in such projects.
Truesix was more than glad to be delivering the launch news to the media. The Latvian 5G military test site caught significant media attention, such as:
- WIRED (Italia): “In Europa è stata aperta la prima base militare di ricerca sul 5G”
- The Fast Mode: “LMT Powers Launch of 5G Military Test Site in Latvia”
- telecompaper: “Latvia launches first 5G military test site in Europe”, and more.
Europe's first 5G military test site lays the groundwork for many innovative solutions within the defence industry. Moreover, it provides the necessary environment for testing new use cases, which is an integral part of further progress. Truesix is genuinely honored to witness LMT being a leader in creating the new 5G testing environment and making the Baltic Sea region 5G ecosystem more substantial with each new project.
How do you spell remote? You don't spell it – you live through it
In case you read October's publicity recap post, you may already know that Truesix works fully remote since the end of October. I'm not going to lie, it hasn't always been easy, and sometimes my motivation just wants to take a nap, and my productivity is trying to book a plane ticket to someplace nice. And, yes, I do sometimes feel like they're both two completely independent creatures.

What helps me to get through the toughest of days is a cup of black coffee. Speaking of which, our colleague Ieva keeps her publicity game the same as her coffee – strong. The article she wrote about our client's DeskTime coffee + productivity study, along with a beautiful infographic, was spotted in the media during November. Take a look at it here, here, and here.
How are other Truesix members dealing with occasional lack of motivation or a productivity slump?
Julia is truly dedicated to her morning walks. She starts her day with a stroll around the neighborhood to get that blood flow going and the body ready for a workday. Just the same as she would be walking or cycling to the office on a regular morning.
Ieva has a bunch of tricks:
- Using the early work hours to work on longer writings – fresher mind, fresher ideas
- Having a snack while working at the computer (this one is THE tip from Ieva)
- Doing a quick yoga session to restart the mind
- Changing the work environment within the house – a different scenery boosts productivity and serves the creative juice

Viesturs, however, is a keen practitioner of the “have you tried turning it off and on again” approach. He has noticed that taking extended breaks works the best when his productivity or motivation gets lost along the way. Viesturs reboots the workday by going for a walk, reading a chapter in a book, or watching a random video.
He also says that a glance at the Truesix task list does the productivity magic. Realizing there's no time to be unproductive sometimes gives the needed boost to get things done. (I truly wish I could say that it's the same for me.)
A shared practice to shake up the mood that I've noticed in a typical Truesix's remote workday is communication.
Slack has always been our best friend, but now it has become essential. Whether it's work-related or just for fun, we keep the communication going throughout the day. It helps not feeling too lonely and monotonous to work from home all day every day.

I guess that's about it on Truesix's November – very 5G-ish and also very exciting. As the next publicity recap will see daylight in 2021 already, our team sincerely wishes you happy holidays and loads of joyous moments in the upcoming year! Stay safe, take care of your loved ones, and remember to have some fun from time to time!