Latvians have a saying – pie laba ātri pierod, which in English means something like you get used to good things quickly. Looking back at Truesix's publicity success stories in 2021 so far, one may think that we've gotten accustomed to securing monthly publications in top-tier media. However, every one of our success stories still sparks enormous amounts of joy. The Latvian saying might not be 100% true after all.
In October 2021, we definitely kept up the good work. We landed mentions and even whole articles in such media outlets as El Espanol, The Next Web, Business Insider, and more. While the last week of the month delivered many upsetting news for Latvians pandemic-wise, and we weren't thrilled to start working remotely again, Truesix adapted fast.
But enough with the chit-chat. Let's dive into Truesix latest publicity recap!
Well, hello there, big media names
As said, October brought many reasons for celebration publicity-wise.
First and foremost, Truesix co-founder Krista Krūmiņa once again showed how real media pitching is done, only this time she landed a whole article in (drumroll) Business Insider! In her contribution to this top-tier media, she wrote about trying out a productivity hack, found on TikTok.
The trick was called the “Lone Chair”. Whenever you feel like procrastinating, you go and sit in a chair in the middle of the room. You're not allowed to scroll your phone or talk to your colleagues. The idea is that you'll want to return to work after some time as you'll be bored. So, Krista decided to give this trick a go and offer her experience in an article to Business Insider. And they happily accepted it. You can read Krista's article here.

Then another amazing publicity success happened thanks to Krista – our client, agricultural crowdfunding platform, LendSecured, was covered in an article on Emerging Europe, written by Nikola Đorđević. In the article, LandSecured’s CEO, Nikita Goncars, shared the company's mission and why closing the funding gap in European agriculture is crucial for everyone.
Another client of ours, time tracking software company, DeskTime, was featured in an article on project management skills in The company's COO's comment was included thanks to our teammate Ieva Sīpola. But this wasn't the only publicity success for Ieva in October. She shared her memory of receiving her first-ever iPod on Christmas.
It wasn't that sentimental of a memory thanks to her dad, who had placed an extraordinary first song on Ieva's iPod – Farting Christmas Jingle Bells. However, the bad iPod dad joke landed in this article on The Next Web. So, who's laughing now, I guess?
A great one for LMT
Latvian mobile innovator LMT always manages to supply our team with exciting news to share. Innovation is LMT's second name, and the company proves it by one new use case demonstration after another.
The company participates in several international collaboration projects, such as 5G-ROUTES, COMP4DRONES, iMUGS, and more. Therefore, within the scope of the iMUGS project, one of Europe’s leading defense industry initiatives, LMT led a demonstration, showcasing 5G autonomous military solutions in Ādaži military base, Latvia. The demonstration played out several military scenarios and showcased specific use cases of the 5G application in defense.
This was an exciting event, and Truesix helped it gain some international publicity. News on the LMT-led iMUGS demonstration appeared in Irish Tech News, Shephard Media, El Espanol, and more. Plus, we were thrilled to see the news included in NCI Agency's NATO 5G Technical Newsletter – a real honor to appear among other 5G updates of global importance!Online and hybrid event PR

Online and hybrid event PR
5G Techritory 2020 was the first semi-online event we managed the comms for. Since then, the Truesix team has handled PR for online events quite a few times, and in October, we also worked in that field.
This year's 5G Techritory Forum goes live on November 22nd – you can check out the agenda and register here. While this year's Forum promises a never-before-seen breadth of agenda (keynotes, World Day, Emporium, side events & more), its previous success still resonates in the media world. The 5G Policymakers' hackathon, which was held during 5G Techritory 2019, was included in an article on The Next Web by Cate Lawrence as one of her all-time favorite hackathons. Cool, right?
During September and October, the Truesix team worked with the Great Taste – Zero Waste conference. The one-day event contributed to sustainable food culture promotion and aimed to provide solutions to minimize food waste. Experts from the Nordics, Baltics, and Poland shared their knowledge and experience via discussions and workshops.
The conference topic was dear to our team, which made working with the event especially meaningful. News of the conference was spotted in Portal Spozywczy, AgriFood Lithuania, Food Fakty, and elsewhere. Plus, some more coverage from industry outlets is still awaited.
Bonus: if you're looking for tips on reducing your food waste, here is a great resource that may help you – Great Taste – Zero Waste Toolkit.
And it's a wrap for Truesix’s October publicity recap. Make sure to check out the media coverage that made us proud last month, and stay tuned to hear more success stories from our team!